Trade anytime and anywhere. trading app allows you to have quick access to your account, monitor the prices and exchange your assets to BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT, USDC, ADA, ETHO, ARDR, ATOM, BNB, BUSD, CAKE, COMP, DOGE, EOS, IGNIS, NXT, SOL, SUSHI, TRX, TUSD, UNI, XDC, XEM, XLM, XRP, XTZ, CLO, VITAE, PLEX, TON, BTCZ, EURT…
Trading features:
- Price and depth chart
- 24h price change
- Price alert notification
- Limit and stop-limit orders
- Favorite market checkbox
- Trading referral program
- Buy & Sell crypto
General features:
- 3 Languages support
- In-app news
- Fingerprint access (if device supported) or PIN-code quick login
- Email withdrawal confirmation
- Wallet service
- 24h support service
Official website